What Causes Jaw Pain?

TMJ (Temporomandibular joint dysfunction)  a Musculoskeletal approach!

TMJ – dysfunction is a disorder of the muscles of mastication, the temporomandibular joints and associated structures.

Muscle imbalance causes a significant change in the biomechanics of the TMJ, and results in pain and dysfunction. The reason for the muscle imbalance has a variety of causes including swallowing patterns, breathing patterns, resting head position, arthritic conditions, stress and genetic predisposition.

Symptoms in the early stages include:

Clicking, popping sounds on jaw movement

Jaw pain is precipitated by movement or jaw clenching

Pain often worse in the morning

Tenderness is noted in the muscles of mastication and the joint capsule

A headache may be present, often frontal or temporal

Spasm occurs in the muscles of mastication and neck and shoulder musculature

Decreased range of motion, especially opening the jaw

Ear stuffiness, blockage and hearing loss may result

Musculoskeletal Therapy (MST) practitioners treat this condition using a variety of techniques including dry needling, trigger point therapy, intra-oral work, joint mobilization, and myofascial release.

Dry needling is also a technique that can be used at the beginning of the treatment in which acupuncture needles are applied to the muscles of mastication (chewing), allowing easier access to intra oral muscles and an effective release of jaw tension.

Intra oral work allows the practitioner to access the muscles that directly influence the joint position which are creating the dysfunction. The technique requires the practitioner to enter the client’s mouth with a gloved hand and is absolutely necessary in most cases to provide effective relief from pain and dysfunction.

An MST practitioner will also address the postural imbalances that predispose and cause TMJ dysfunction ensuring a long term result.

If you have tried other therapies that have not been effective come and experience results with Musculoskeletal therapy today.

Call (07) 5561 8545


Suite 10 (Upstairs) 5 Michigan Drive,

Oxenford (Northern Gold Coast)